NSE NIFTY Pre-Open Market historical data
Get more than a year's Pre-Open Market historical data

Yes, you are at the right website to view the NSE Nifty index pre-open market historical data.
Get FREE NSE Nifty index pre-open market historical data easily here on PreOpenMarket.in. Pre-open market data for all Nifty-50 stocks listed on the National Stock Exchange, India.
The NIFTY-50 pre-open market data can be easily referred on NSE website but you can only get today's Data. Pre-open market historical data is not available.
Don't worry! This page helps you to extract nifty pre-open market historical data. You just need to set the Date and press 'Get Data' button to get the historical data of NIFTY-50 pre-open market of the selected date.
Next section contains the details of pre-open market of 50 stocks listed in NSE (National Stock Exchange) as a part of NIFTY index for the selected date.
Go ahead and view the NSE Nifty index pre-open market historical data for your reference.
Select Date To See Pre-Open Market Data
FAQ on NSE nifty pre-open market historical data
know the answers to most commonly asked questions

Where can I get NSE NIFTY future's historical data?
If you are looking for NSE NIFTY future's historical EOD data, then its available on NSE website.
Where can I find the historical price data for past expired Nifty Futures and Options Contacts?
Nifty historical data is sometimes required. Historical data is needed for back testing if you are working out some strategy. NSE historical data is generally required to get the confirmation that if something happened in the past it will repeat again. If you need the Nifty Futures and Options Contacts historical data, NSE website is a gold mine of information.
Why can't I find pre-open market historical data on NSE website?
NSE does not keep or store pre-open market historical data. It shows only last pre-open market session data on NSE website. This pre-open market data gets refreshed after next pre-open market session which is getting closed around 09:07am IST on a trading day.
If you are looking for NIFTY pre-open market historical data, then here (PreOpenMarket.in) it is.
Where can I find the pre-open market historical data of the NSE?
Go to the top of this page and select the date for which you need pre-open market data.
Which is better Pre market order or after market order(AMO)? Which type of market order is better in case share opens in lower or upper circuit?
In case the stock is stuck in lower circuit or upper circuit, it is advantageous to place a pre-market order.
Because pre-market orders are filled before 9:08 a.m. and after-market orders are filled after 9:15 a.m. Because volume is low in stocks in the lower or upper circuits, placing pre-market orders is always advantageous.