FAQ on pre-open market
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If a major event or announcement occurs overnight before the market opens, such events are likely to cause significant volatility the following day when the market opens. Merger and acquisition announcements, credit-rating downgrades, open offers, debt restructurings, delistings and other special events like RBI credit policy, elections etc. can have a significant impact on an investor's wealth. To stabilise this, a pre-open call auction is held to determine the best price and reduce volatility.
what is the PRE-open MARKET SESSION timing?
The time duration of the Pre-open market session is from 9:00am to 9:15am. A 15-minute period is divided into three segments.- We can place, remove, or modify our order between 9:00 and 9:08 a.m.
- The order value is fixed between 9:08 and 9:12 a.m.*
- The average price would be fixed at 9:12–9:15am at the time of opening.
*with a random closure in the last minute Pre-open order matching begins immediately following the close of pre-open order entry.
Is it possible to buy or sell stocks in pre-open market in India?
Yes, it is possible to buy in pre-open market in India.Similar to MIS , CNC, AMO, BO&CO, select AMO (after market order) option to place the order in pre-open market session. You can place the order between 4:00 pm to 8:59 am of the next morning and that means you have placed a pre open market order.
Everyday, You have 7 minutes from 9 a.m. to place, modify, or cancel an order. Once the time of 9:07 AM has passed, you will be unable to change your orders until the market opens at 9:15 AM.